
This module provides some common types used throughout PyTiled Parser. These are all just NamedTuple classes provided to make sets of data more clear. As such they can be subscripted like a normal tuple to get the same values, or you can reference them by name. The values shown here are in the order they will be in the final tuple.

Properties do not have a special class or anything associated with them. They are simply type aliases for built-in Python types.


The pytiled_parser.Property type is a Union of the float, str, and bool built-in types, as well as Path class from pathlib, and the pytiled_parser.Color common type.

A property may be any one of these types.


The pytiled_parser.Properties type is a Dictionary mapping of str to pytiled_parser.Property objects.

When the map is parsed, all properties will be loaded in as a Property, and stored in a Properties dictionary with the name being it’s key in the dictionary.